Wednesday, February 22, 2006

February homeschool

Caitrin: Lapbooks - teapots and tea, as well as fashion. She's been reading the Olivia books (owns three now an can read them!). She wove little rugs and has organized her artwork into a notebook. We've played lots of games, especially Clue. She is practicing violin every day. She made thirty Valentines for co-op and then created a thank you note for each of the grandparents for the money they gave her for the holiday. We've spent a lot of time watching the Olympics. Movies include: Nanny McPhee, Chasing Liberty, Good Boy. We've taken a few trips to the parks, notably Keehner Park with Rocky and Liam. We've had several teatimes (at least one per week) where we read poetry and read Eldest.

Liam: Liam and I have started working through Jacobs mathematics and are having a lot of fun with it. He still does most thing sin his head, but I love how it is helping us look at mathematical reasoning, not just adding numbers and following processes. He is enjoying it if I do it with him, which I am. He wrote Valentine card thank you's to both sets of grandparents. He enjoys poetry still and is actively interested in Eldest. He spent time this month improving his island chain project including coloring and defining his maps. I have had him do copywork a couple of times and he enjoys using poetry for his selections.

Jacob: Jacob is working through Jacobs Algebra I, Story of the World for history, Chemistry for science (writing narrations) and dictation and copywork from Eldest and poetry. Jacob continues saxophone and his cookie business. This week, he applied to AFS for the New Zealand semester abroad. He is learning iWeb and wants to develop a website for us. He continues to show interest in Halo online. Watched Band of Brothers this last month and has a renewed interest in WWII.